OJAS®︎ PURE RAW CHOCOLATE のBASEネットショップページをご覧いただきありがとうございます。

OJAS®️PURE RAW CHOCOLATE(オージャスピュアローチョコレート)は WACCAWORKS®️ のオーナー兼ローショコラティエ 柳澤寛子が



◆ 公式サイト https://waccaworks.net
注意(今ご覧いただいているサイトはBASEショッピングサイトでofficial HPではありません。)


OJAS®︎ PURE RAW CHOCOLATE のローチョコレートは、 厳選した原料にこだわり、ローカカオバター、ローカカオパウダーを使用して、天然の甘味料を加え、45〜48℃の低温で季節や気温に合わせてその都度微調整しながら、一つ一つハンドクラフトにこだわってローショコラティエが丁寧に作っています。



<RAW(ロー)って何? なぜ低温で作るの?>










◆公式サイト https://waccaworks.net

○厳格なローフーディーストの方は 現在使用中のパームシュガー、米粉は熱処理がされておりますのでご注意ください



ローチョコレートとは ?

ローチョコレート・ロースウィーツとは、アメリカ発祥のローフード(Raw(生)+ Food(食))という、45〜48℃以上に加熱しないことで、食物が持つ栄養素を最大限に体内に取り入れる食事法から生まれたスウィーツです。





高い抗酸化作用でアンチエイジングや美肌効 果がある成分。
<テオブラミン >
脳を活性化し、集中力を高めたり、リラックス 効果や自律神経を調整し、基礎代謝を高めてくれる成分。
食物の中で唯一カカオだけが持つ成分。脳の 中で幸福感を感じさせる至福ホルモン/幸せ物質(PEA)の分泌を 促す成分。
幸せを感じた時や恋に落 ちた時に脳から分泌する成分。集中力を高めたり、心やマインドを オープンにしてくれると言われています。
<ビタミン、マグネシウム、鉄分、亜鉛、など、300種以上の栄 養素やミネラル>
カカオにはバランス良くこれらのミネラル成分が 多く含まれている為、腸の働きを整えてくれる手助けをしてくれたり、貧血予防にも。



Individually handcrafted with love by chocolatier Hiroko.
Enjoy yourself!



OJAS Chocolate is the raw chocolate brand of waccaworks in Japan.
The owner of waccaworks (HIROKO YANAGISAWA/chocolatier) started this brand in 2013.

As a chocolatier I always make my products with passion and love- my aim is for the consumer to experience this with each mouthful.The range of raw chocolate is intended for those interested in raw beauty and natural health products but it simply tastes so exquisite that it really appeals to almost everyone.
I hope you will enjoy the raw chocolate taste because it has the very different taste and melt in the mouth from the normal chocolate. And please enjoy a fragrance!

The raw chocolate of OJAS marries a natural sweetener to raw cocoa butter, raw cacao powder all blended at the perfect temperature and individually handcrafted piece by piece.
We do not use an emulsifiers, dairy products, a preservatives, wheat, or any refined sugar.
The reason we make OJAS chocolate at low temperatures is to keep the natural cacao’s inherent nutrients active in the final product. You can feel the energy of these nutrients the moment you taste OJAS chocolate.
We are also convinced that the natural properties of our raw chocolate enhance and promote happiness and a healthy psychology.
We have also incorporated super foods and flavors that the chocolatier had personally selected carefully such as raw/heated nuts and raw dried fruit . Have a look at our selection and choose what ever takes your fancy.

*We have used a Heated palm-sugar / Raw-Agave syrup /Maple syrup as well as a natural sweetener.

The Historic Lineage of Raw Chocolate ?

Raw chocolate and raw sweets evolved in North America as a relatively new phenomenon based on some meso-america ancient tradtions. Cacao was used historically as a medicine, an important ceremonial sacrament , and even as currency; it was regarded as a "food of the gods" ( Maya, Aztec era) .
In addition to its antioxidant benefits , cacao is loaded with magnesium, iron, and more than 300 kinds of nutrients and minerals, including an abundance of zinc.
Bringing the cacao to a high temperature eliminates a lot of the natuaral properties and and so we are careful to not bring the heat to over 45-48 degrees Celcius. (this is a standardised Raw Foods practice)

Here are just some of the other natural properties found in cacao.

▷ Polyphenol, antioxidant material, magnesium, iron content, a nutrient and mineral more than 300 kinds including zinc
▷ The ingredient which coordinates a relaxation effect and autonomic nerve called "teoburamin"
▷ "Anandamide" (supreme bliss hormone)
▷ An ingredient to secrete when you fell in time and the love that you felt "phenethylamine" "serotonin" happiness.
It increases your concentration, and it is said to open your heart and mind.

Please refer to the details such as used cacaos from our product page.

Individually handcrafted with love by chocolatier Hiroko.

OJAS RAW CHOCOLATE by wacca works.
*Official HP : https://waccaworks.net

Enjoy yourself!
WACCA WORKS.(ワッカワークス)は、日々の暮らしに寛ぎを与え、そっと寄り添ってくれるようなものづくりや、


wacca worksの活動が、皆様にとって、一つの”点”や”縁(えん)””輪”に繋がる何かになってもらえたら...
という願いを込めて、wacca worksという名で活動を始めました。

What's Wacca Works ?

Since 2009, Wacca works slowly started and has produced its original products which intend you feel comfortable and relax in your daily life. "wacca (also called 円-en)" means "a circle" in English.
I believe when a little dot is connected to the other dot, it makes a line and makes a circle at the end.I named "wacca works" it because in order to create a circle, it always needs a lot of dots to be together. So through my products, I wish I can be the one of the dots for people and bring an opportunity for them to find and feel some chance or meeting for their life. -- The chance also called 縁-en.

Wacca works is producing a candles, balms, lip-balms, soaps using the domestic beeswax in Japan now.
I also create raw chocolate and raw sweets and vegan food which makes you happy. And also good for your mind and body.
All products are made with natural products, excludes egg, dairy products and all animal derived ingredients so it can be for vegan.
I sell Ojas Chocolate which is a product of waccaworks mainly at this web site.